propose to likewise perform a “second sight” of the contemporary Chinese
context, in particular, to examine the meeting point and intersection between
the public realm and the private realm, and to challenge the boundaries of what
is deemed as contemporary and what is deemed a traditional. We will use our
space to open an examination of the growth and development of contemporary
Chinese art, and to present the relationship between public and individual,
thereby creating space to further develop China’s collective memory and
discursive impact.
The artists selected for this exhibition differ in
age, social group, geography, and gender, and their works range in dimensions,
media, and styles. However, the uniting factor that ties this sundry bricolage
together is their work within the public realm, and their various ways of
engaging with the collective memory of past, present, and future.
Guo Fengyi (China)
Jin Zhilin (China)
Li Tianbing (China)
Ren Qinga (China)
Shen Xiaomin (China)
Shi Qing (China)
Wang Jinsong (China)
Wang Mai (China)
Wang Wei (China)
Wang Wenhai (China)
Xiao Xiong (China)
Yang Shaobin (China)